Refactoring Browser Rewrite Editor plans

Daniel Vainsencher danielv at
Fri Aug 15 18:25:07 UTC 2003

Ned Konz <ned at> wrote:
> Just that we don't seem to have a Refactoring hierarchy browser. If 
> you choose "browse hierarchy" from an RB or anywhere else, you get a 
> HierarchyBrowser, not a RefactoringBrowser.
Ah yes, the joys of extension by inheritance. Seems to work if you
redefine HierarchyBrowser to subclass RefactoringBrowser instead of
Browser... though I'm really not sure I want to go there in the package

> > > Perhaps a window menu item that would let you add subclasses or
> > > other classes to the environment would be helpful.
> >
> > I'm not sure what the UI for that should look like - but UI code
> > demoing it is welcome. I'll gladly help with the RB integration.
> Well, one thing that could be done pretty easily is to add a menu item 
> that says "add subclasses". Another is accepting drops of classes 
> from browsers.
Truth is that supporing subclasses seems like a very specific case of a
more general issue - we should have powerful ways of defining
BrowserEnvironments for use with Finder/Lint... and I don't have
brilliant ideas on how to solve this. 


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