Gaming paper advice sought

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at
Fri Aug 22 02:24:05 UTC 2003

Simon McCallum of this department has designed a 3rd year
computer games paper, to run as a six week intensive "summer" course.
Unfortunately, the platform (Windows XP), the programming environment
(Visual Studio .NET), and the gaming engine (I forget the name) have
already been decided on.  The paper involves people from several other
departments, including Design, Film & Media Studies, Management,
English (branching narrative/interactive story-telling), &c.

While I think Squeak would be a hard sell, it occurred to me that there
are probably quite a few people in this mailing list who know about
computer gaming and about teaching computer gaming, and that some of
you might be willing to pass on a few words of advice.  I have asked
Simon's permission to post this message, including his e-mail address,
which is "simon at".  He has said that such advice would be
most welcome.

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