About Tim fix on allCall for interpreter plugin

Tim Rowledge tim at sumeru.stanford.edu
Sat Aug 23 17:27:10 UTC 2003

> We are trying to introduce your change for allCallOn 
> (http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/3209)
> in KCP during CampSmalltalk and we have several questions:
> 	- Why do we need to have these different names? If we would not have 
> this different names
> 	all of this would be gone :)
Which names are you referring to? Probably #allCallsOn I guess; so I can
only say that since it becomes a unary message it seemed like the
obvious answer. If you can think of better names do feel free to use
> 	- Should not it be symmetric (if I browse plugin's moduleName should I 
> get the class too?)
Sounds like an excellent idea to me. Could be tricky to implement
efficiently though. The module name is
a) just a string that might or might not actually exist - remember many
modules are named from the class' name.
b) it is possible for several modules classes to share one name - for
example FilePlugin could very plausibly have a subclass
'AcornFilePlugin' that uses the same moduleName so that it usurps
FilePugin for Acorn machines.
But don't let me stop you from coming up with a good answer!

My draft code was very much a trivial illustration of a way to add
flexibility to the #allCallsOn: protocol and I urge you to do whatever
you need to do to make it work for you. My only real contribution here
is spotting a way to delegate the details to the classes that really
know the answers.
> ESUG is cool...the swimming pool excellent and the site really 
> beautiful ;)
Lucky you. I'm stuck in my little office commisioning two new computers
(my powerBook died horribly, requiring herculean efforts of emergency
data recovery by friends) and contemplating doing the vacuuming. Try to
remember that it rarely works to take a laptop diving.

Tim Rowledge, tim at sumeru.stanford.edu, http://sumeru.stanford.edu/tim
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