a fuller, firmer keyboard for Zaurus 5x00 (and dynapad 0.1)

Brian Keefer mgomes21 at cox.net
Fri Aug 29 12:33:33 UTC 2003

This is a small hack to turn *(star, Fn-k) into a shift key to type in the
missing keys that are so important to smalltalk, []^|. When you press
Fn-k, the 5 keys i,j,k,l,m form a little "crosspad" of alternatives for
the next keypress. 

j k l

turns into..

[ * ]
-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak2.8 of 13 June 2000 [latest update: #2359] on 29 August 2003 at 12:22:51 am'!
InputSensor subclass: #Zaurus5x00InputSensor
	instanceVariableNames: 'shiftMode '
	classVariableNames: 'ShiftMap '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Kernel-Processes'!

!Zaurus5x00InputSensor methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bmk 8/28/2003 23:13'!
	^ self shiftOrPassKeycode: self primKbdNext peeking:false! !

!Zaurus5x00InputSensor methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bmk 8/28/2003 23:14'!
	^ self shiftOrPassKeycode: self primKbdPeek peeking:true! !

!Zaurus5x00InputSensor methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bmk 8/28/2003 22:30'!
	^ self keyboardPeek  notNil! !

!Zaurus5x00InputSensor methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bmk 8/28/2003 22:47'!
shiftMode ifNil:[shiftMode:=false].
^shiftMode! !

!Zaurus5x00InputSensor methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bmk 8/29/2003 00:20'!
shiftOrPassKeycode: keycode peeking: isPeeking
	cookedKey:=self characterForKeycode:keycode.
	self shiftMode ifTrue:[ 
		isPeeking ifFalse:[shiftMode:=false].	"don't clear the shiftmode if it's just a peek, next peek will repeat same shift lookup"
		^self class shiftMap at:cookedKey ifAbsent:[cookedKey]
	] ifFalse:[	"not in shiftmode"
		cookedKey=$* ifTrue:[
			self primKbdNext. "absorb the shift key"
		] ifFalse:[^cookedKey]
	] ! !

!Zaurus5x00InputSensor class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bmk 8/29/2003 00:22'!
^Sensor! !

!Zaurus5x00InputSensor class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bmk 8/29/2003 00:22'!
Smalltalk at:#Sensor put:self new! !

!Zaurus5x00InputSensor class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bmk 8/28/2003 23:05'!
ShiftMap ifNil:[
ShiftMap:=Dictionary new.
ShiftMap at:$k put:$*.
ShiftMap at:$K put:$*.
ShiftMap at:$* put:$*.
ShiftMap at:$j put:$[.
ShiftMap at:$J put:$[.
ShiftMap at:$& put:$[.
ShiftMap at:$l put:$].
ShiftMap at:$L put:$].
ShiftMap at:$( put:$].
ShiftMap at:$i put:$^.
ShiftMap at:$I put:$^.
ShiftMap at:$8 put:$^.
ShiftMap at:$m put:$|.
ShiftMap at:$M put:$|.
ShiftMap at:$= put:$|.

! !

Zaurus5x00InputSensor removeSelector: #characterForKeycode:!
Zaurus5x00InputSensor removeSelector: #cookedCharacterForKeycode:!
Zaurus5x00InputSensor removeSelector: #shiftCharacter:!
Zaurus5x00InputSensor removeSelector: #shiftOrPassCharacter:!
Zaurus5x00InputSensor removeSelector: #shiftOrPassKeycode:!
Zaurus5x00InputSensor removeSelector: #starMode!
Leave the line above, and replace the rest of this comment by a useful one.
Executable statements should follow this comment, and should
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Be sure to put any further comments in double-quotes, like this one."
Zaurus5x00InputSensor install!

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