Messages to "super"

Ian Piumarta ian.piumarta at
Fri Aug 29 18:49:47 UTC 2003

On 29 Aug 2003, Martin Drautzburg wrote:

> I thought I knew it all, but ...
> I created the following class
>         Object subclass: #Foo ...
>         bar
>                 ^ self
> When I create aFoo and inspect it, it answers true to both
>         self respondsTo: #bar and
>         super respondsTo: #bar 

"self" and "super" both refer to the receiver (so both refer to the _same
object_).  Since the receiver responds to #bar, both of these anwser
correctly.  The only difference between "self" and "super" is _where_ the
method _lookup_ begins.  (Sends to self are lookuped up starting in the
class of the receiver -- even if that's below the method that's doing the
send because of inheritance; sends to super are looked up starting in the
_superclass_ of the class in which the _method_ [the one in which the send
to super is being performed] is _defined_, regardless of the actual
class of the receiver.)

It might help to add this method to the instance side of Foo

	respondsTo: aSelector

and then try the "inspector experiment" again.  After 2 seconds' thought,
it'll "click".

> also I get Foo no matter if I ask
>         self class or
>         super class
> Can someone explain ?

"self" and "super" are the same object.

> The reason why I was doing this, was in a #mouseDown method I thoght
> I'd invoke mouseDown on super if it came from a mouse button I didn't
> handle. But since I didn't know if the superclass has a #mouseDown
> method at all I tried to figure that out by sending a #respondsTo:

If you know your superclass then you can just send it "canUnderstand:
aSymbol" directly.

    Foo canUnderstand: #bar    => true
    Object canUnderstand: #bar => false

Hint: select the text "respondsTo:" and browse its implementors


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