Need Hardening Help

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at
Sat Dec 13 12:28:53 UTC 2003

On 13/12/03 01:05, "Jim Rosenberg" <jr at> wrote:

> I have a Squeak image which I'm trying to harden in preparation for
> presenting as a "kiosk" in a forthcoming exhibition. I *think* I've
> correctly followed the instructions in
> (using Preferences disableProgrammerFacilities.)
I copy and paste code we use to do a Run Time System .image.
I subclass SingleButtonMorph for this.
Clicking in this button when ready to deliver your ""
Look for integrate VM and this image in minnow swiki (don't remember number"
You should remove ActiveWorld removeAllMorphs line too.
By the way, SqueakLight now have Comanche power if you need have several
images in USB cards (and carry all Squeak server/morphic power in a pocket)

'From Squeak3.4gamma of ''7 January 2003'' [latest update: #5169] on 12
April 2003 at 3:22:16 am'!

!CriaderoMorph class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified'!
makeRTS: t1 
    | t2 t3 |
    t1 delete.
    self registerForStartUp.
    Preferences disable: #cmdDotEnabled;
         disable: #cmdGesturesEnabled;
         disable: #cmdKeysInText;
         enable: #noviceMode;
         disable: #warnIfNoSourcesFile;
         disable: #warnIfNoChangesFile;
         enable: #eToyFriendly;
         disable: #honorDesktopCmdKeys;
         enable: #appendToErrorLog;
         enable: #noDebugButton.
    t2 _ FileDirectory localNameFor: Smalltalk imageName.
    t3 _ (t2
                copyFrom: 1
                to: (t2 findString: '.image'))
                , 'RTS.image'.
    ActiveWorld removeAllMorphs.
        changeImageNameTo: (FileDirectory default fullNameFor: t3);
         snapshot: true andQuit: true! !


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