About test presence

ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Fri Dec 19 19:19:55 UTC 2003

>>> If I understand your words correctly, you want the tests for the code
>>> in the
>>> image to be more easily accessible. Is this so that it is easier to 
>>> run
>>> tests for whatever you have in your image, to see if a change you 
>>> made
>>> broke
>>> anything? Plus to have examples of usage readily available? Plus it
>>> makes
>>> the tests more visible, so they are more likely to be debugged and 
>>> new
>>> ones
>>> written?
>> Yes
> Okay, good goals. What exactly don't you like about the current 
> situation?

Tests are currently on a package on squeak map and only freaks like me 
may want to load them
but even me I'm too lazy to load them. So having tests in the image is 
the way to go.


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