My 12 year old son and e-toys in Squeak

Alan Kay Alan.Kay at
Fri Dec 26 18:37:25 UTC 2003

Thanks Steve --

There were quite a few of the original Squeak team involved in making 
etoys "deep fun".

Check out for more ideas, a project book 
for parents and teachers, etc.


Alan Kay

At 9:25 AM +0200 12/26/03, Stephen Davies wrote:
>I just wanted to send my compliments to the developers of the
>Morphic/e-Toys stuff in Squeak.
>I had Squeak open on my iBook the other day and my 12-year old son
>came to have a look.  I thought to show him etoys - and a little
>He already knows and uses Logo to a good level.
>He understood what was happening straight away.  I put a copy of
>Squeak on the computer that he uses and let him "get on with it".
>I asked him to show me his squeak the other day, and:
>  - he's decorated his workspace with all sorts of morphs and things
>  - he's written a car racing game with:
>      detection of going off the track - you get "damage" when you do
>      100% damage is game-over
>      its got a limited time to drive.  he measures how far you get
>        by counting laps and partial laps.
>  - he's also been playing with the 3D stuff, and done something that
>    randomly animates some giraffes around.
>I'm really impressed with how easily he got started and how much he's
>done.  Like Logo, Squeak/etoys is just SO much more interesting and
>fullfilling than learning "how to write in MS Word", which much school
>computer classes seems to have degenerated to.
>By contrast, the Squeak environment really does work as an exploratory
>environment that kids can get to grips with.
>So thanks and compliments,
>Steve Davies


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