Where could I find information about building a SAR and publishing to SqueakMap?

Markus Gaelli gaelli at emergent.de
Sun Feb 2 22:25:41 UTC 2003

Let me just answer you, as I was going through that process recently...

You start by making sure that you have squeakMap installed, so you can
test your sar-files locally. Take the newest image and open the 
->open...->Package Loader

Then you create a zip file out of your files (choose any of your to be 
distributed files
in the FileList and say "add file to new zip", Neds Archive Tool is 

Create a special file in the Filelist called:
and edit it. (If you are on apple like me, just call it preamble, we 
rename it later)

In this install:preamble file (rename it with Neds Archive Tool, if the 
does not fit) you can write plain Smalltalk-Code.

A common use, is to file in the members of your archive, which you can
write like:

self fileInMemberNamed: theNameOYourMember

Add the preamble to your archive (and make sure to rename it at least
now also with Neds Archive Tool),

Save that as yourPackageName.sar
and try to install it in your SqueakMap-Image.

If this works fine, you are ready to upload it to SqueakMap.
This means first you upload it to any ftp/http-server of your
choice. (at least this is how I did it).

Then you go to SqueakMap-Central at  

and do the registration work. I'd also send a mail to the list, with 
something like [GOODIE]
and praise your program... :-)

Good luck,


Am Sonntag, 02.02.03 um 22:58 Uhr schrieb Robert Withers:

> I am getting overwhelmed by the amount of coding left to do on my Elib 
> implementation and I need to go ahead and publish it.
> thanks in advance!
> robert

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