Pink Plane vs Blue Plane

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Thu Feb 13 03:14:04 UTC 2003

> The base event system in Squeak seems simple enough. Yet 
> between morphic and handmorph, and all the others, it makes
> my head hurt just trying to figure how Morphic utilizes raw
> events to actually do something... >.<

Simple. HandMorph obtains MorphicEvents by either converting primitive input
(from Sensor) or some other means (like remote connections). It then passes
the event (depending on type) to any of the registered listeners (using
#handleListenEvent:), and afterwards (again, depending on the type of the
event) to its current focus (using #handleFocusEvent:). If there is no
current event focus, it passes the event to its world, for further
dispatching (using #dispatchEvent:).

When an event is dispatched it uses (sometimes varying) strategies to figure
out where it ends up. The general rule of thumb is: The front-most, visible,
unlocked chain of morphs "containg" the event (as determined by
#containsEvent:) is travelled all the way down to a leaf morph. On its way
up, each morph in the front-most chain of morphs is passed the event through
#handleEvent:. BTW, this mechanism also ensures that even morphs where a
child is outside of the parent can handle the event when it occured on some
(out of bounds) child.

[One additional slant: When the hierarchy is traversed down, morphs may
register itself as "being interested" in some event by establishing a
prospective handler. This handler can be used to figure out which morph (if
more than one is interested) should ultimately handle the event in question.
This prospective handler is essentially a way of passing an extra argument
into the event processing loop without having to know the exact construction
hierarchy of the children].

When #handleEvent: is invoked, it double-dispatches the event into a
system-level handler (such as #handleMouseDown:). The system-level handler
typically checks whether the event was already handled, and if not, it marks
the event as handled and dispatches to the user-level event handler (such as

Or, in short:
* the hand generates a MouseDownEvent from Sensor's input
* it sends the event using #handleListenEvent: to the registered listeners
* it sends the event using #handleFocusEvent: to the current focus (if
  [#handleFocusEvent: typically simply invokes #handleEvent:, see below]
* if no focus, it sends the event using #dispatchEvent: to its owner (a
* the event is dispatched along the front-most, visible, unlocked chain of
submorphs containing it, until it reaches a leaf
  [on its way down, any morph can install a prospective handler if
* when the event traverses back up the chain, the event is sent to each
morph in this chain using #handleEvent:
* #handleEvent: double dispatches the event into any of the system-level
* the system level handler (#handleMouseDown: etc) decides whether to invoke
the user-level handler(s)
* finally, the user-level handler (#mouseDown:) is invoked.

  - Andreas

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