Has anyone succesfully installed squeak on RH 8.0?

Yoshiki.Ohshima at acm.org Yoshiki.Ohshima at acm.org
Fri Jan 10 23:01:24 UTC 2003


> Xft2 however, implements (a typical geekish name) "subpixel decimation",
> which gives better results in font rendering for flat panels
> that what goes under the names "Cleartype" (Microsoft) or Cooltype (Adobe).
> It does not use the typical signal processing approaches, but leverages
> the fact that the eye is a strong edge detector, so characters should be
> rendered more strongly to pixel boundaries.  Essentially, only pixels that
> would be jaggy get antialiased, and use the flat panel's RGB subpixels
> to improve the character's sharpness when doing diagonal strokes.
> We believe (if truetype hinting is turned on) we have something here
> better than what you see elsewhere for text rendering.

  FYI, Henrik's "high-quality font support"
(http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/1225, the same link Bert was
refering to) has the subpixel rendering feature.

-- Yoshiki

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