[BUG] StringMorph

Matej Kosik kosik at decef.elf.stuba.sk
Sun Jul 6 16:15:50 UTC 2003

If I open the context menu for any StringMorph and choose
option `change emphasis' ==> Afterwards if I choose
option `plain' I obtain error message

	"MessageNotUnderstood: plain"

The same applies for all its subclasses (such as ClockMorph)

I tried to figure out the problem and the enclosed change-set
is a quick hack solving the problem.

I am using `Squeak3.5-5180.image'
Matej Kosik <http://altair.dcs.elf.stuba.sk/~kosik>
UIN: 300133844
-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.5 of ''11 April 2003'' [latest update: #5180] on 6 July 2003 at 5:55:46 pm'!

!StringMorph methodsFor: 'menu' stamp: 'mk 7/6/2003 17:53'!
	| reply aList |
	aList _ #(normal bold italic narrow underlined struckOut).
	reply _ (SelectionMenu labelList: aList selections: aList) startUp.
	reply ifNotNil:[
		self emphasis: (TextEmphasis perform: reply) emphasisCode.
	].! !

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