How to access plugin name from VMPluginCodeGenerator

PhiHo Hoang phiho.hoang at
Sun Jul 13 01:52:57 UTC 2003

Maybe a bit of rational behind this RFH would help.

>From the latest source for MiscPrimitivePlugin :

/********  generated by VMMaker   **********'/
static const char *moduleName =
  "MiscPrimitivePlugin 21 June 2003 (i)"
  "MiscPrimitivePlugin 21 June 2003 (e)"
;        // Note how the semicolon on this line is refactored !
/*** isn't a bit hard to read ? does it make you itchy ?  ***/

/********    is this one better ?  **********'/
#define IE    "(i)"
#define IE    "(e)"

#define MODULENAME(ie)          "MiscPrimitivePlugin 12 July 2003"##ie

static const char *moduleName = MODULENAME(IE) ;
/***** if yes, can VMMaker generate it ?  ***/

/**** MobVM plugins (processed by Notepad) ****/
static const char *moduleName =  "MiscPrimitivePlugin 12 July 2003" ;
/*** The "(i)", "(e)" bits are generated at runtime.  ***/

What do you think ?



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "PhiHo Hoang" <phiho.hoang at>
To: <squeak-dev at>
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2003 4:24 PM
Subject: How to access plugin name from VMPluginCodeGenerator

> Hi,
>     I need to generate a macro like:
>     #define MODULENAME(ie)  "MiscPrimitivePlugin 12 July 2003"##ie
>     How can I access 'nameString' (plugin name) from within 
>     'VMPluginCodeGenerator>>emitCHeaderOn: aStream' ?
>     I am sure there is a more gooder way to do it.
>     Thanks for your help.
>     PhiHo.

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