[Q][Connectors] Locking ends?

German Morales germanmorales at delta-sys.com
Sun Jul 13 15:05:26 UTC 2003

It seems that Ned Konz wrote:
> Where you want to probably want to change it is in:
> #mouseDownInConnected: and/or #mouseDownInOneEndConnected:, and keep
> them from emitting #mouseDownNearEnd events.

I took that approach, doing a quick hack that seems to work.
I modified #mouseDownInConnected: this way:

mouseDownInConnected: anEvent
    ifNotNil: [
        wantsToDettachEnd: (constraints indexOf: constraint)
        fromMorph: constraint inputs first)
          ifTrue: [^ fsm
                     trigger: #mouseDownNearEnd
                     withArguments: {constraint. anEvent}]
          ifFalse: [^ self]].
  "<more snip>"

And I also created the #wantsToDettachEnd:fromMorph: method in the same
fashion as #wantsToAttachEnd:toMorph:.

wantsToDettachEnd: index fromMorph: aMorph
	"Answer true if I want my end with index 'index' (1 or 2) to be
	dettached from
	the given Morph."
	^ true

As you can see I used "constraint inputs first" to get the Morph, but...
why is there an array there? It's possible to have many morphs?

The "^ self" prevents unexpected behaviors, like considering that you are
dragging a vertex.

One thing I don't like is to check for the index (1 or 2)... perhaps two
methods would be more Smalltalk-like ;-)

> Thanks for the suggestion, though. Want to be an alpha tester?

Could be if I have time... but work + university + family leaves little
free. I'll probably add it to my list of things I want to do but I can't

Thanks for your help,

German Morales

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