A swiki editor

Brent Vukmer bvukmer at blackboard.com
Mon Jul 21 20:18:01 UTC 2003

Daniel -

I haven't done any building, just thinking, so far.  What I'd *really*
like, though, is to be able to use a Squiki -- pure-Text Swiki-like
object within my image, re-using all the Text* classes -- to store
notes. I would also like to be able to park a Squiki image on a server
and edit it via HTTP GET and POST, where the payload is just the gzipped
serialized SquikiPage. 

I'd also like to be able to edit Swiki pages "directly", as you said.
We could enhance the Scamper package so that Scamper hides the
complexity of editing a Swiki page, and/or enhance the Swiki package so
that Swikis can accept a POST of serialized Text for a given page.

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