Problem with TextFieldMorph

Ned Konz ned at
Tue Jul 22 02:27:17 UTC 2003

On Monday 21 July 2003 06:39 pm, Vincent Foley wrote:
> > What created that text? It has some weird combination of CR and
> > CRLF line endings, as well as a stray ^L (formfeed) character or
> > two...
> I don't know, I just did fileOut.  Looks okay in all browsers I
> use.

Did you change the concreteStream to CrLfFileStream in one of your 

> > If you use a plain PluggableTextMorph you won't have this
> > problem. Or you could use a TextMorph and then use #acceptOnCR:
> > and #crAction:.
> >
> > You can say:
> >
> > 	ptm := PluggableTextMorph on: self text: #getSomething accept:
> > #setSomething:.
> > 	ptm acceptOnCR: true.
> I'm not quite sure I understand what I should put in the text: and
> accept: messages.  text: is what the default text should be I
> guess, but I don't know what accept: does.

The text: and accept: arguments are names of messages that are 
understood by your model class (the on: argument).

So given this example:

ptm := PluggableTextMorph on: fred text: #getSomething accept: 
ptm acceptOnCR: true.

- fred should understand both #getSomething and #setSomething:
- #getSomething will be called when the PTM needs to get the text
- #setSomething: will be called when someone has hit CR or Cmd-S
- if fred wants to change what is displayed, it should go:
	self changed: #getSomething
  which will cause the PTM to do the equivalent of:
       self contents: (fred getSomething)

Ned Konz

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