[ANN] Monticello Versioning

Colin Putney cputney at wiresong.ca
Thu Jul 24 18:29:43 UTC 2003

On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 11:02  AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:

> Brent Vukmer wrote:
>>> They aren't sequenced numbers because multiple clients can be 
>>> creating them at will.
>> Maybe I should have asked more questions instead of jabbering on :)
>> What filename convention are you thinking of using, then?
>> package-name.author-name.version-number ?
> I'm not sure... but looking in Colin's test repository, he seems to be 
> using package-name.author-initials.whatever you want
> Remember, packages have UUIDs so the name is somewhat irrelevant and 
> they don't have to be sequential.  Each version knows the tree of 
> revisions (their UUIDs) it is based on.

When you save a version, Monticello will ask you for a name, and 
provide a default of the form PackageName-authorInitials.number. 
Daniel's enhancement was saved as 'Monticello-dvf.4', for example.

The sequence number of the default is based on an internal counter 
specific to that working copy, and which gets adjusted if I run into a 
higher sequence number. So if I happened to save a version into 
Daniel's repository called 'Monticello-dvf.31' then on his next save, 
he'd get 'Monticello-dvf.32' as the default name.

These defaults are just for convenience, though, as you can choose 
whatever name you want. The only restriction is that it must be unique 
to the repository you're saving into. Having the author initials in the 
name helps avoid name clashes between developers working in the same 


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