Browser on slower machines

Tim Rowledge tim at
Sat Jul 26 23:15:06 UTC 2003

"Eddie Cottongim" <cottonsqueak at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been noticing that on my slower machine, the Browser is quite slow.
Funnily enough I've been trying to get around to a message rather like
this all week. Now that I have working event input for RiscOS I can't
make mental excuses for the terrible lack of user feedback in most of
the morphic programmer tools. Maybe all of you with multi-gigglehurtz
desktop machines just don't see the effects but I feel sure that they
should be apparent on pocketpc pdas and so on.

For example, select a class with a goodly number of instance and/or
class vars - such as Interpreter, which you won't be surprised to hear
I do pretty often. I have to wait quite a while to get the class
definition - 7 seconds just now. In the meantime there is NO feedback to
let me know that I actually successfully clicked on Interpreter. This is
just plain lousy UI coding. The list item ought to be coloured as soon
as it is known to be selected and the cursor ought to be changed if
there is any chance of the operation taking a noticable time (typically
1/5th second would count as noticable).

Similarly the buttons used in the browser should provide actually
noticable visual feedback rather than a somewhat feeble faint

And lastly as part of this minor rant, somebody with an affection for
the profiler, please please spend some time working out how to speed up
morphic stuff generally. The comparison with the performance of the MVC
stuff is seriously embarrassing. Even TTF fonts go fast in MVC (excpet
for the mess that the window backup bits make by losing the antialised

I'd have ago myself but I'm
a) trying to get new VM packages out so you can have new VMs
b) not so very coversant with the inner workings of morphic at the

Tim Rowledge, tim at,
Close your eyes and press escape three times.

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