TTF fonts in MVC (was: Browser on slower machines)

Boris Gaertner Boris.Gaertner at
Sun Jul 27 09:49:52 UTC 2003

Tim Rowledge <tim at> wrote:
> stuff is seriously embarrassing. Even TTF fonts go fast in MVC (excpet
> for the mess that the window backup bits make by losing the antialised
> quality).

The mess is because the top level view of all the browsers, the workspace
and so on is a  StandardSystemView and not a ColorSystemView.
Regrettably, we never changed that, but some smart fellow added
the option "two-tone/full color" to the label menu of the
StandardSystemView. When you change your workspace to
"full color" - you have to do this for every workspace and for
every browser that you open! - the antialiased quality will be kept.

You  may wish to modify StringHolder>> openLabel:andTerminate:
in such a way that it creates a ColorSystemView as top view of the
workspace. The window will then come up in full color mode,
but you will still have the option to switch to two-tone mode.

What do you think: Should we change this at all places where such
a change would be needed?

A different, but related topic:
In Squeak 3.6a-5325 you cannot set the default text style to a
ttf-font when you work in an MVC project. When you try it,
you get a debugger that tells you that  TTCFont does not
understand the method 'fontNameWithPointSize'. You can
simply copy this method from StrikeFont and style selection
will work.  Alternatively we can move 
StrikeFont>fontNamewithPointSize  up to AbstractFont and 
that is possibly the better solution.

Greetings, Boris

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