Morphic Wrappers again

Oca Emilio eoca at
Tue Jul 29 19:07:51 UTC 2003

> Question: what was the last version of Squeak the package on 
> SM was known to work with?
I used MW for a demo on 3.5.

> My problems. I use MathMorphs.pdf from the Squeak book as my 
> tutorial. 
> Assigning a name as in
> "punto := self" did nothing.
> I build a silly little class called Person with one instance variable 
> 'name'. I expected "Person new name: 'Frits' ; self" to give me a wrapper 
> on an instance of a Person. Instead I got a Morph Explorer. I do get the 
> correct result on a point.
Somewhere the Explorer is defined as the default wrapper for morphs (if I
remember correctly). 

> I am exploring the statement that MorphWrappers are Squeak's 
> answer to Naked Objects.
Not just the naked ones, Aerial Typing over everything is a very usefull


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