Effective SM entries (was Proposal for Morphicperformance-measurement enhancement)

goran.krampe at bluefish.se goran.krampe at bluefish.se
Wed Jul 30 09:08:39 UTC 2003

"Andreas Raab" <andreas.raab at gmx.de> wrote:
> David,
> Let rephrase what I am trying to achive here: I am not interested in where
> to put documentation (I don't care) but I am rather interested in HOW TO GET
> TO IT.
> All of what you propose has its merits and all of what you propose has been
> done. There are classes which contain documentation (such as
> AGenieIntroduction) there are categories which contain documentation (such
> as in BalloonEngineBase class) there are methods containing documentation
> (browse the implementors of #aComment) but that doesn't mean it's accessible
> for people, that people know where to go looking for it.
> What I want is a simple mechanism that people to hook up their documentation
> right in the UI so that there is a simple, obvious way to provide varying
> bits and pieces of information without requiring the user to "guess right"
> at what the magic incantation is that will bring up the bit of information
> which they are so urgently looking for.
> So "simple" means really "simple to FIND by the user, and simple to USE by
> the programmer". And while all of what you propose is certainly simple to
> use, practice shows that it is typically not simple to find.
> Cheers,
>   - Andreas

As I said - I will be hacking up the little menu later today. It will
use some convention-hack (like your update stream does) in order to find
the correct class and method.

regards, Göran

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