request for critique

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at
Tue Jun 3 05:10:38 UTC 2003

Concerning efficiency, let's look at one of the methods:

iterationsSurvivedBy: aPoint
    "Answer how many iterations of
       z(0) = 0
       z(i+1) = z(i) squared + aPoint
    it took to discover that aPoint is not in the Mandelbrot set.
    Answer -1 if aPoint was not ruled out before the maximum
    number of iterations was executed."
    | a b |

    a := aPoint x.
    b := aPoint y.
    1 to: maxNumberOfIterations do: [:iteration| |aSquared bSquared oldA|
        aSquared := a squared.
        bSquared := b squared.
        aSquared + bSquared > 4 ifTrue: [^iteration].
        oldA := a.
        a := aSquared - bSquared + aPoint x.
        b := 2 * oldA * b + aPoint y].
! !

I am a little puzzled that the comment says that iterations start
with (complex) 0 but the code starts with (aPoint x, aPoint y).

I note that having extracted aPoint x and aPoint y,
they are extracted again and again and again.

This would be more efficient as

    iterationsSurvivedBy: aPoint
        |a b x y|
        a := x := aPoint x.
        b := y := aPoint y.
        1 to: maxNumberOfIteractions do: [:iteration| |a2 b2|
            a2 := a * a.
            b2 := b * b.
            a2 + b2 > 4 ifTrue: [^iteration].
            b := 2 * a * b + y.
            a := a2 - b2 + x].
Yes, x*x is marginally faster than x squared (saves a message send).
For a calculation like this, eliminating the repeated calls to
Point {x,y} and #squared may be worth it, generally one wouldn't bother.

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