Harvesting traffic (was: RE: RSS)

Daniel Vainsencher danielv at netvision.net.il
Fri Jun 6 09:14:17 UTC 2003

Brent Vukmer <bvukmer at blackboard.com> wrote:
> RSS is cool not so much b/c of traffic problems, as that it is widely
> used for a similar use case.  
Exactly. About traffic, I was thinking there are some things we'll
probably want to do soon to clean up the state of the archive, that will
generate lots of boring (to others) traffic. For example, at some point
we should go through the archive and mark everything that's been dealt
with one way or another as [closed] or something. 

One solution that would be pretty easy on everybody would be to add
another mailing list for boring stuff, which only the sqfixes archive
would be registered to. Then the BFAV could let people choose whether
their comment should go through squeak-dev and be seen, or it's just
administrative, and should go through the quiet channel.


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