Question - Projecting a collection onto a larger collection

Daniel Vainsencher danielv at
Fri Jun 20 14:02:25 UTC 2003

I think the methods #gather:* are bundled with Avi Bryant's PackageInfo.


Brent Pinkney <pinkney_b at> wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the preffered method of porjecting on collection onto a larger collection ? 
> collect:, select: and reject only map a collection onto a smaller collection.
> e.g. I want to map {Date. Time } to { Date. Date class. Time. Time class }
> I dimly remember seeing some mention of a project: method
> I am looking for Something of the flavour:
> 	{Date. Time } project: [ :nc :e | nc add: e; add: e class ].
> nc is an appropriate collection.
> I know I can achieve this in multiple lines of code - is there a preferred method ?
> Thanks
> Brent

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