Question - Projecting a collection onto a larger collection

Ned Konz ned at
Fri Jun 20 14:14:55 UTC 2003

On Friday 20 June 2003 05:31 am, Brent Pinkney wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the preffered method of porjecting on collection onto a
> larger collection ?
> collect:, select: and reject only map a collection onto a smaller
> collection.
> e.g. I want to map {Date. Time } to { Date. Date class. Time. Time
> class }
> I dimly remember seeing some mention of a project: method
> I am looking for Something of the flavour:
> 	{Date. Time } project: [ :nc :e | nc add: e; add: e class ].
> nc is an appropriate collection.
> I know I can achieve this in multiple lines of code - is there a
> preferred method ?

PackageInfo (now in the image) provides #gather: which flattens to one 

{ Date. Time } gather: [ :ea | { ea. ea class } ].

Ruby has a "flatten" method that does a recursive flattening of 
Arrays. A generic flatten method for Collections would have the 
effect of blowing out Strings into Characters, though.

There is a #flattenOnStream: method already in the image; by defining 
its write methods on Stream you get the same behavior. See the 
attached CS for a test of this.

Ned Konz
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