AW: Emergency Evaluator

Ned Konz ned at
Fri Jun 20 17:23:00 UTC 2003

On Friday 20 June 2003 08:35 am, Alexander Lazarevic wrote:
> The methods to invoke the emergency evaluator are nice, but not
> what I was looking for. While experimenting with raw and morphic
> events I usually can't tell where things blow up and so I can't
> predict the places where I should place fallbacks to the emergency
> evaluator. And when the event processing chain is broken because of
> a MNU error caused by a typo in a method that I just accepted, I'm
> stuck and can't do a thing, because keyboard and mouse events won't
> be processed anymore. So the only solution is to quit and reload
> the image.
> I thought there was a key combination that triggers the emergency
> evaluator directly from the vm. From within the emergency evaluator
> I would be able to do "revert last accepted method" and everything
> would be fine. I know I always can find the answer by looking at
> the source files, but at the time of writing they wasn't accessible
> to me. So I dared to ask here. :)

What I've wanted to have is a way to pop into MVC to do debugging of a 
Morphic process. The Morphic UI process would be suspended, we'd 
enter a (possibly new) Morphic project, and then start debugging the 
suspended Morphic UI. On "proceed" we'd pop back into Morphic.

Ned Konz

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