Monticello - reorganizing class categories

Avi Bryant avi at
Wed Jun 25 23:04:16 UTC 2003

On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Derek Brans wrote:

> I've tried just "reorganizing" and renaming categories without success
> -- I open it in another image and all the categories are out of order.

Recent versions of Monticello maintain category ordering.  Note that
"recent" here may mean "from CVS".  I don't release new snapshots of
Monticello to SM very often because having a constantly changing source
code output format wreaks havoc on a CVS repository (Julian and Ned will
back me up on this ;).

> What's the best way to "reorganize" a Monticello package.  Also, does
> reorganizing a Monticello package have any consequences to CVS
> versioning (ie, does cvs think I changed the entire file, or does it
> recognize that I just did some restructuring)?

Reorganizing categories will produce quite small diffs - one of the goals
of DVS and Monticello was to keep the output as stable as possible
in the face of various kinds of reorganization.


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