[ANN] First final morphic app below 4 Mb !!!

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Jun 26 22:28:46 UTC 2003

On 26/06/03 16:40, "Stephane Ducasse" <ducasse at iam.unibe.ch> wrote:

> Hi
> I could not get it. Where is the image?
> What is the "educational level" you have in mind? Who can play with
> that?
> Stef
Stephane :

I receive some complaints for links not working or not having ftp access to
my Mac.
I appologize by this.
I could send the image to all people asking and having a mail client what
could receive huge files.

Points are:

1 Is posible to have Squeak app , morphics and below 4 mb. This expand range
of CPU what could use Squeak (I live in Argentina , and too many squeakers
around the world do not have modern machines).

2 LogicCircus app what I use for probe point 1 permits experiment with logic
gates, and is possible use it to teach boolean logic, circuit construction
and how one object (the switch) send state to all wired componentes until
reach the light bulb.

For what level of students , I don't know European status, but in Argentina
sure could use in intermediate level or introductory courses in University.

Sure extending Diego's work to physical laws morphic, and if I have time to
continue unfinished SqueakChem (analytical chemistry for identify cations )
could also find use by teachers.

Anyway, thanks to you for support to Smaltalk.


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