Experimental 3.5-1 VM and multilingual support

Ian Piumarta ian.piumarta at inria.fr
Wed Mar 5 03:53:59 UTC 2003

On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Ned Konz wrote:

> > Null characters can't be part of strings cut and pasted between
> > Squeak and Mac OS applications; the null and all subsequent
> > characters are lost. The reason is obvious, and I'm not sure that
> > it's actually a problem, but it's worth noting.
> How is the reason obvious? Don't they have a length associated with 
> their strings?

Yes, they do.

I just modified the clipboard code trivially (removing a few NUL
terminator assumptions I'd stupidly put in there):

  stringWithCString: -> stringWithCString:length:
  CFStringCreateWithCString -> CFStringCreateWithBytes
  strncpy -> memcpy

and now everything works fine with embedded NULs in the clipboard.


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