ClassBuilder fix, SqueakMap, and releasing 3.4

Alexandre Bergel bergel at
Thu Mar 6 18:37:17 UTC 2003

Hello Goran

I see SqueakMap as a wonderful tool for sharing and distributing code. But I am a bit confused to use it as a "bookmark". I think the Wiki fulfills generously this task.


On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 10:19:02AM +0100, goran.hultgren at wrote:
> Hi SCG and all!
> Alexandre Bergel <bergel at> wrote:
> > > Software Composition Group guys, does one of you want to be the
> > > maintainer?
> > 
> > The SCG group in Bern proposes to the community to be maintainer of 
> > this set of classes. As direct responsible, I propose myself (Alexandre 
> > Bergel).
> Just one little nice thing (I think all this sounds great, I will hold
> all my thoughts on how these "stewardships" can/should work for a
> while):
> I think we should register this as a package on SM. Most of you probably
> say "What?!" but the ideas is simple - a package on SM doesn't need to
> have something downloadable - it actually just needs a homepage! And
> since it is a piece of Squeak that you are indeed maintaining - it *is*
> a package - just not yet a downloadable one.
> So my proposal is that Alexandre registers a package for this (with a
> suitable name, like "Squeak kernel" or something), puts himself as the
> maintainer, throws in a short description of what this means and perhaps
> a list of classes that form the package, adds the suitable homepage etc.
> Then, just to make things more interesting - I should probably add a
> Category (or a few) for classifying packages as "Squeak core", as this
> one should be.
> I see that the "Package grouping" thread has also taken off, haven't
> read that yet.
> Anyway, what do you say? And a package can always be removed.
> regards, Göran

Bergel Alexandre

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