unfinished swiki page...

Alan Grimes alangrimes at starpower.net
Fri Mar 21 03:16:37 UTC 2003

In persuit of my linear-framebuffer effort, I realized I needed to know 
alot more about squeak primatives with the intent of gaining a better 
understanding of what the VM expects of any display driver...

I hit the swiki with that question and found this rather amusing page 
from 1999: http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/603

I, myself, don't yet understand what primatives are enough yet to write 
any acceptably good documentation as the page requests... I would hope 
that one of the VM h4x0rs would at least describe the zen of primatives 
in a few paragraphs and then maybe paste in the relevant portions of the 
interprEter and other source files...

 From there morons such as myself might be able to make some 
contribution to the effort.

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