[Q] Storing a Morph in Magma

Martin Drautzburg martin.drautzburg at web.de
Fri Mar 28 20:09:06 UTC 2003

I just had the idea to store a Murph in Magma with

self commit:[
	self root at: 'morph' put: (RectangleMorph new)

But when I tried to retrieve it in another Client I got:
        "Improper Store into indexable object"

an OrderedCollection('Bitmap(Object)>>error:' 
'Bitmap class(ArrayedCollection class)>>maMaterializeFrom:' 
'[] in MaObjectSerializer>>materializeGraphDo:' 
'[] in MaDefaultOidManager>>objectWithOid:ifFound:ifAbsent:' 

What does this mean ? I suppose you cannot store "anything" in Magma,
but what are the rules ? 

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