Harvesting was: [Q] a couple of questions related to look enhancements

Martin Wirblat sql.mawi at t-link.de
Sun Mar 30 19:06:19 UTC 2003

> - Do you consider these changes an [ENH] to the base image or an 
> external package?

Hi Diego,

I use the window buttons and the font-corrected preferences for now. 
Not tried the menus so far.

Good work! and really needed ( for a much too long time ).
Every good basic enhancement like these should eventually go into the 
base image. Especially if it is more like a fix than an enhancement. 
And things regarding the UI can and should be configurable, so there is
no problem at all for putting them into the base.

Hoarding tiny packages which better basic things on SqueakMap is like 
having tons of [Enh] and [Fix] waiting for being harvested. There is 
no difference, they have to be integrated too. To have thousands of 
people sifting through SM and searching the 100 packages they need to 
make Squeak what it could be is a colossal waste of resources. 

For those who are now inclined to murmur 'loadscript': To write and 
test this loadscript is hard work. It is essentially the same work as 
to integrate things directly into the base. To have a complete and 
universal base is much more valuable than to have 1000 parts which 
have to be assembled first. 

The Squeak of the future should be made up of few big modules, and not 
of a mess of fixes and enhancements.

On SqueakMap are already some packages which fall into this category.
The harvesters do have to harvest on SqueakMap too!


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