Log Tools needed? ;)

Giovanni Giorgi jj at objectsroot.com
Sat May 3 12:37:05 UTC 2003

Hi Squeakers!
	I have developed a draft of a Log subsystem for my own usage...it is 
similar to log4j for functionality...
It is easy to use and logs to file.
It do not provide appenders and so on (as log4j) but I'd like to polish 
it and integrate with the preferences panel of squeak.

Now I'd like to use it in my CelesteAddressBook, but only if something 
of similar does not already exist on the image.
I have found some strange "log" methods on the Object class, but they 
seems disabled or marked are "dangerous".
Someone can help?

Ciao ciao!
    [   [  [ JJ ]  ]   ]  | Temi cio' che conosci, non
                          | cio' che non conosci
http://www.siforge.org   |

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