What we want with Squeak?

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Wed May 7 05:04:23 UTC 2003

Diego <diegogomezdeck at consultar.com> wrote:
        - The "Media-Squeakers" (in Andreas's words)
	[want everything]
        - The "Traditional-Squeaker" (in my words)
	want a really small core image with nothing more than stdio support.
I place myself firmly, but FIRMLY, in the "Traditional Squeaker" camp.
Multimedia is way over my head.

BUT when I am developing in Squeak I for sure want to be able to
read stuff comfortably.  While I might be interested in developing _for_
a teeny tiny core, the Squeak I am developing _in_ will most certainly
have some kind of font support, so it might as well be GOOD font support.

In short, when it comes to the Squeak that people develop in,
the needs of the Traditional Squeaker and of the Media-Squeakers
do not conflict at all.

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