[UPDATES] 9 package removals for 3.6alpha

Doug Way dway at riskmetrics.com
Thu May 8 08:04:46 UTC 2003

Okay folks, the package removal updates are now here, things may get 
rocky for a little while... proceed with caution.

These are 9 of the 10 package removals from the 3.6 plan... the 
SpeechRemoval was not included for now, because an error occurred when 
I tried to re-add the Speech package from SqueakMap, so that needs to 
be fixed before we can remove it.

The packages were removed in this order (based on the order in Goran's 
aggregated removals package):

Baseimage Tests Removal
Celeste Removal
VM generation removal
MacroBenchmarks removal
PWS Removal
SUnit removal
Scamper Removal

Also, the Flapsregistry and  Appsregistry packages were incorporated 
because they were required by the Celeste Removal (and are probably 
generally useful anyway).

I think I am seeing a problem with reloading SqueakMap after these 
packages have been removed, which we will obviously need to fix (unless 
it's a temporary/local problem for me).  This was not caught until now, 
because no one could easily load all of these removals without 
SqueakMap & SAR.

Good luck,

- Doug Way


5187SUnitTestsRemoval-md -- Marcus Denker -- 3 March 2003
This changeset removes all SUNIT Test outside
the sunit-categories.
The postscript calls
SystemOrganizer allInstancesDo: [:co | co removeEmptyCategories].


5189dynamicFlaps-asm -- Alejandro Magistrello -- 13 March 2003
now a tool can register itself to live in a flap
for an example:
-select the next two lines and do it
Flaps registerQuad: #(FileList2 openMorphicViewInWorld	'Enhanced File 
List'	'A nicer File List.')
	forFlapNamed: 'Tools'.
Flaps replaceToolsFlap
-if you don''t like the FileList2 in the tools flap, remove it with the 
next two lines:
Flaps unregisterQuadsWithReceiver: FileList2 fromFlapNamed:'Tools'.
Flaps replaceToolsFlap
a more drastic test is the following:
-- unregister all classes
Object withAllSubclasses do: [:aClass |
			(aClass class includesSelector: #registerInFlapsRegistry)
			ifTrue:[Flaps unregisterQuadsWithReceiver: aClass ]
--plus one special case
Flaps unregisterQuadsWithReceiver: ScriptingSystem
-- replace the Flaps
Flaps replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Tools';
replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Supplies';
replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Stack Tools';
replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Widgets'.
- look at the flaps, but don''t panic ;-)
-- register all classes
Object withAllSubclasses do: [:aClass |
			(aClass class includesSelector: #registerInFlapsRegistry)
			ifTrue:[aClass registerInFlapsRegistry ]
-- replace flaps again
Flaps replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Tools';
replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Supplies';
replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Stack Tools';
replaceGlobalFlapwithID: 'Widgets'.
- if the flaps are still empty, call an ambulance


5191CelesteCleanUp1-dvf -- Daniel Vainsencher -- 9 December 2002
Add a class MailSender that abstracts sending a message. Holds a 
registry of mail composition GUIs it can use. Remembers the users 
sending account details."

5192CelesteCleanUp2-dvf -- Daniel Vainsencher -- 9 December 2002
Add a basic GUI for sending emails that is not attached to Celeste. 
Uses SMTPSockets to directly send the mail."

5193CelesteCleanUp3-dvf -- Daniel Vainsencher -- 9 December 2002
Refactor MailMessage not to depend on Celeste.
Change Celeste to use the sending account details from MailSender.
Redefine CelesteComposition by subclassing MailComposition.

5194CelesteCleanUp4-dvf -- Daniel Vainsencher -- 9 December 2002
Redefine Celeste clients to use MailSender, so their dependency on 
Celeste is gone."

5195CelesteCleanUp5-dvf -- Daniel Vainsencher -- 9 December 2002
Refactor Celeste to no longer store send account details that are now 
maintained in MailSender
Remove the last reference to Celeste in TWM, and the now unreferenced 
class AdHoComposition."

5196CelesteRemoval1-bkv -- bkv -- 11 March 2003
This changeset removes all the classes in the Network-MailReader 
category; this changeset should filed-in only after running Daniel 
Vainsencher's CelesteCleanup changesets."

5197GamesRemoval-asm -- Alejandro Magistrello -- 26 November 2002
Removes a reference to FreeCell
then separates Led* classes into a new category.
then answer yes if you want to remove the games from the system"

5198VMCodeRemoval-tpr -- tim at sumeru.stanford.edu -- 22 March 2003
This is the code for VM and VM making tools stripping changeset.


5200PWSRemoval-cwp -- Colin Putney -- 11 November 2002
This change set removes PWS from the base image."

5201SUnitFrameworkRem-md -- Marcus Denker <marcus at ira.uka.de> -- 4 
March 2003
This changeset is intended for the 3.4 release image,
Please file in Tests-removal (on SqueakMap) first!
This changeset removes SUnit 3.0 completely:
  -> The SUnit-* categories
  -> all sunit* methods
  -> unregisters TestRunner from Systemwindow
  -> removes SystemDictionary>>discardSUnit
  -> patches SystemDictionary>>makeSqueaklandRelease



5204RemoveScamper-ads -- Adam Spitz -- 29 March 2003
Removes Scamper from the image (assuming all references to it have 
already been removed)."
String removeSelector: #replaceHtmlCharRefs.
Smalltalk organization removeCategoriesMatching: 'Network-HTML*'.
Smalltalk organization removeCategoriesMatching: 'Network-Web Browser'.
Utilities informUser: 'Removing Scamper thumbnails from Tools flap and 
PartsBin. Please wait...' during: [
	PartsBin clearThumbnailCache.
	PartsBin cacheAllThumbnails.
	Flaps replaceToolsFlap.

5205B3DRefactorAndDie-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 16 November 2002
This CS sets the ground for a clean removal of everything 3D related. 
To remove it entirely evaluate what's in the post script of this change 

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