SystemDictionary>>imageImports -> XXX>>imageImports

Julian Fitzell julian at
Tue May 13 15:44:50 UTC 2003

Martin Wirblat wrote:
> Hi Stephane,
> thank you for replying to me. I think I should have left out the 
> middle part of my post regarding references to Smalltalk, I just 
> thought that there has to be access to it, maybe it would be better to 
> replace all hardwired refs to it with something like 'Smalltalk 
> default' in order to prepare Squeak for multiple environments, maybe 
> something else, I don't know. 
> However, you don't convince me really on finding things in additional 
> classes. 
>>In Imports I have a better chance to find stuff related to imported 
>>than to namespace whose the only responsibility should be dealing with
>>class names.
> At first you have to find Imports. Probably you need some more 
> dictionaries holding data, if you don't want to have this data in 
> Smalltalk. Isn't this more complicated than to have one single place 
> where to look for this? Wasn't Smalltalk meant to be the single place 
> for this? 

Hrm... well... I mean by that logic, by extension, why have classes at 
all?  If we just put all the methods in one place then we'd know where 
to find them all.  But it isn't very logically divided.  This seems like 
unclean design, not to mention causing problems for eSqueak, etc.  I 
don't think that what we have now is exactly the same problem, just to a 
lesser degree.

I'd actually argue it makes it harder to find stuff because while you 
know where to look it would take you hours to look through all the 
methods.  And if you're working with a certain set of functionality (ie 
a bunch of clases in the system) then presumably you will look for any 
methods having to do with that functionality there.

You don't mention specific methods and I assume that there is a small 
subset of methods that should be on SystemDictionary.  But most of the 
methods there, imo, belong on more appropriate classes.


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