Capturing non-local returns?

Stephen Pair stephen at
Sat May 24 17:52:28 UTC 2003

Avi Bryant wrote:

>On Sat, 24 May 2003, Andreas Raab wrote:
>>I was wondering if there's a good way of capturing non-local returns and
>>ONLY non-local returns from some block. E.g., the problem I'm having is that
>>I am evaluating a block and if (and ONLY if) it attempts to do a non-local
>>return I want to capture the return and take some appropriate action.
>Will this not work?
>normalReturn := false.
>[aBlock value.
> normalReturn := true]
>   ensure: [normalReturn ifFalse: [...]]

I believe (as Anthony said) that this is the same as #ifCurtailed:.  I 
think the following method does the trick:

BlockContext>>onNonLocalReturnDo: aBlock

	| gotError answer |
	gotError := false.
	[[answer := self value] on: Error do: 
		[ :ex |
		gotError := true.
		ex pass]]
				[ gotError ifFalse: [aBlock value]].

- Stephen

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