User Interaction - Fill in Object data?

Avi Bryant avi at
Tue May 27 23:15:35 UTC 2003

On Tue, 27 May 2003, Aaron J Reichow wrote:

> The kind of thing I was thinking about eventually is:
> {  {#name . #String} . "name is a string"
>    {#birthday . #Date} . "give us a date picker"
>    {#age . #SmallInteger . [:a | a between: 0 and: 120] } .
> 	"a number between 0 and 120.
> 	(line at: 3 ifAbsent: [nil]) isKindOf: BlockContext ..."
>    {#sex . #String . {'female' . 'male' . 'n/a'}} .
> 	"presents us with a drop down box"
>    {#children . #OrderedCollection . #PDAChild} }

Although at that point I think I'd rather something like

^ AttributeInfo new
    string: #name;
    date: #birthday;
    integer: #age validation: [:x | x between: 0 and: 120];
    string: #sex options: #('female' 'male' 'n/a');
    collection: #children type: PDAChild;

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