swiki, commanche , 3.6, network rewrite, oh my

ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Thu Nov 6 17:51:59 UTC 2003

> That is encouraging (more than the comments in the package header on
> Squeakmap!)
chris could you be explicit about the difference between 
SmallWiki/Squeak and SmallWiki/VW in the package on Squeak Map because 
it would be bad that people think that SmallWiki in general is bad.

> I would guess it just needs a bit more testing on squeak.


> I hope others can do it because I just don't have the bandwidth now 
> and VW
> is not an option. Maybe there are not serious problems past this first 
> one
> I encountered.

I hope :)

> As I said, I think SmallWiki would fit perfectly into my current 
> project,
> as a help system. It even looks very similar in some ways to my
> application web pages.

Excellent then.
> I also like that I'd probably be able to integrate it closely within my
> app because I can tap into smalltalk more easily in the pages.

let us know


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