[BUG] sending an email using BFAV

ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Thu Nov 13 19:45:38 UTC 2003

On Jeudi, nov 13, 2003, at 20:32 Europe/Zurich, Brent Vukmer wrote:

> Stef -
> What version of the Mac OS are you using?

OS X 10.2.6

> Could you step into these frames:
>> CrLfFileStream class(StandardFileStream class)>>readOnlyFileNamed:

in fact self parentPost is ok

setThreadingHeadersIn: aMailMessage withToAddress: anEmailAddress
      "Make sure we stay threaded, for MUAs that support threaded views"
	| parentMessage |
	self parentPost ifNil: [ ^ aMailMessage ].
	parentMessage _ self parentPost asMailMessage.

	"We don't assume that the parentPost was created from a MailMessage 
object ( could have come from an RSS feed, etc. )."
	parentMessage ifNil: [ ^ aMailMessage ].
	(parentMessage fieldNamed: 'message-id' ifAbsent: []) ifNotNilDo: [ 
:msgid |
			msgid _ msgid copy.
			aMailMessage setField: 'in-reply-to' to: msgid.
			aMailMessage setField: 'references' toString: ((parentMessage 
fieldsNamed: 'references' separatedBy: ' '), ' ', msgid mainValue).

	(parentMessage fieldNamed: 'thread-topic' ifAbsent: []) ifNotNilDo: [ 
:topic |
			aMailMessage setField: 'thread-topic' to: topic copy.

	(parentMessage fieldsNamed: 'cc' ifAbsent: []) ifNotNilDo: [ :ccs |
			aMailMessage setFields: 'cc' to: ccs copy.

	anEmailAddress ifNil: [ | toFields |
			toFields _ parentMessage fieldsNamed: 'to' ifAbsent: [].
			toFields ifNotNil: [ aMailMessage setFields: 'to' to: toFields copy 

	^ aMailMessage

but in asMailMessage
	self document -> nil

and I cannot easily find why it is nil

>> BugFixArchiveMailClient class>>mailMessageFromFile:
>> ArchivePost>>asMailMessage
> And tell me what is being passed in as the file name?
> Thanks,
> Brent
> P.S. I don't have access to Squeak on a Mac right now, so I can't test
> this myself yet.  Can any other Mac users repeat this?

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