2D-3D graphics in Squeak

Doug Way dway at riskmetrics.com
Sun Nov 16 04:52:19 UTC 2003

On Nov 15, 2003, at 8:25 PM, Pravin A. Sable wrote:

>         I want to create 2D chess board with all pieces on it. I was 
> told
> that, squeak has 2D pieces, chess board already. I will be grateful if
> somebody can tell me how to access them, I am interested in graphical
> part.  If possible, I would like to create 3D chess board with each 
> cell
> containing a piece like 8X8X8. This is not to play chess but to show
> solution to 8 Queen problem in 3D. I am not sure whether it is 
> possible or
> not.

The Chess game is included with the rest of the games as part of the 
Full image... if you downloaded the final 3.6-5424-full release you 
already have the Full image.  If you have the slimmed-down "Basic" 
image (which 3.7alpha typically is), you will need to load the Games 
package from SqueakMap.

If you have the games loaded, you can play the chess game by opening 
the "new morph..."/"from alphabetical list" menu, and choosing 

You can look at the classes in the Morphic-Games-Chess category to see 
how it works.  The chess piece images are stored on the class side of 

- Doug

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