(meta) Please start new threads as new threads. :)

Julian Fitzell julian at beta4.com
Mon Nov 17 05:17:22 UTC 2003

Craig Latta wrote:
> Hi all--
> 	I read the list with a threaded reader. I just noticed that I missed
> some interesting messages for a while because they were responses to
> unrelated threads, that I happen to have killed in my newsreader.
> 	I humbly request that when starting a new thread of conversation, we
> create a purely "new" message, instead of responding to an existing one.
> 	thanks!

Yeah, pointing that out every now and then is useful.  I'm never sure 
whether those of us who use threaded readers are the minority or the 
majority - but there are certainly plenty of people who don't realize 
they exist and don't see any ill-effects of replying to messages to 
start new threads (although they presumably show up wrong in 
web-archives, etc. as well).

What I am sure of is that I can't comprehend how people can follow 
mailing lists this size *without* threading - I just can't remember that 
much context.


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