VMMaker 3.7 alpha release. Ignore this. You don't want to know

Tim Rowledge tim at sumeru.stanford.edu
Fri Nov 28 18:12:21 UTC 2003

Marcus Denker <marcus at ira.uka.de> wrote:

> Do you have a short list of the changesets you harvested? I'd like to  
> [close] those in BFAV...
Sure. I can't use BFAV at the moment due to my oft mentioned filing
system issues.

>From the preamble:-
HashChangesVMCleanup - final changes related to the String/ByteArray
hashing changes.

FasterCopyLoop[part2]-JMM - Make some of the variables in the inner loop of
copyLoop, copyLoopNoSource, and copyLoopPixMap locals versus instance
variables to improve performance on the powerpc.

FasterAppStartup-JMM - Make image startup slightly faster. Don't rewrite all
oops to clear the mark bit, only rewrite the ones that have the mark
bit set. Don't rewrite all oops to change the offset if the offset is
zero which is the case on the mac when the same vm reads a recently
saved image because of how the memory map is located. Don't rescan the
entire image a second time to null out external primitive method
contexts, remember those oops on the first scan, then later null out
the 320 or so methods, versus rescaning 260 thousands oops.

FasterLookupMethod-JMM - Change lookupMethodInDictionary: to force
nilObj into a local register for compare, and don't compare the
selector to nilObj (the failure case) before comparing to the wanted
selector. This usually removes an extra if statement check since the
failure case is 1/20 of the found case.

SocketListenOnPort - add interface to allow specifying the port rather than any
old port.

BulletProofFormat - prevent (ab)use of format: from blowing away the VM
if a SmallInt is misused.

BecomeForwardCopyHashInterpreter - These are the VM changes to allow the
option to preserve the argument object's identity hash during a one-way

NB - the fasterappstartup will be replaced with a different
implementation for the next release.

Tim Rowledge, tim at sumeru.stanford.edu, http://sumeru.stanford.edu/tim
Useful random insult:- Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming.

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