[ENH] Display := when pretty printing (please fix typos, etc.)

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Tue Oct 14 04:55:13 UTC 2003

Hi, Brent,

Nice.  But the fileout has a typo in the balloon help for the new 
preference, which should be fixed before this is harvested.  (I see 
that Stephane already affixed an [approved] tag, but hopefully this 
won't keep you from fixing up the fileout and resubmitting it.)

And while you're correcting that typo you could also correct the one 
in the preamble.

And also, perhaps, it would be good to give the file a name suitable 
for harvesting.  This makes Doug's work easier.  The name should not 
exceed 26 characters.  Though we have no formally published 
guidelines for update names, the dominant convention has been to 
start with a lower-case character, optionally include a version 
number (which will be stripped when the fileout is ultimately 
published,) and end with a "-" followed by the author's initials, 
followed by ".cs".

In this example, a suitable file-name might be:


Should the file-version-number (e.g. the ".2" above) be included in 
code being circulated on the Squeak list?  Arguably yes, because 
often multiple versions of a fileout will be circulated before final 
approval, as hopefully will happen in this case, and it's good to 
include all of them in the same thread on bfav with a minimum of 
ambiguity about which is the right file.

And finally, it would be good if you would harmonize the file-name 
with the change-set-name in the preamble.


   --  Scott

At 3:19 PM -0400 10/8/03, pinkney_b at aircom.co.za wrote:
>This changeset adds a preference such that if browseWithPretty print is
>enables, all assignment operators with display as :=.
>This has been discussed before and I even recall a change set being
>My motivation is that 1) I cannot find this on Google 2) I am introducing
>Smalltalk to some engineers who are very familiar with the vogue languages
>(Ruby, Python, etc.); if you use the TrueTypeFonts, then the _ assignmnet
>is very ugly.
>Please harvest for 3.7
>Content-Type: application/x-gzip;
>	name="AssignmentPreferenceInPrettyPrint.2.cs.gz"

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