Swiki cracked

goran.krampe at bluefish.se goran.krampe at bluefish.se
Thu Oct 16 14:24:26 UTC 2003

Aaron J Reichow <reic0024 at d.umn.edu> wrote:
> Was the server actually a cracked, or did someone just edit the pages and
> lock them?  It looks to be the former to me.   Were those pages locked,
> and this person cracked the password?  Was it just a word?  Or, were those
> pages totally open, and this schmuck just waltzed in?

The top page is locked. He actually hasn't changed that one (my ip is
the latest logged as editor) - but he has changed page names that are
linked from there - so it looks like he has edited it.

The other pages he has edited where probably not locked and now he
locked them himself (I assume, haven't looked).

The culprit is: dslam163-123-166-62.adsl.zonnet.nl

Whoever that is. :-)

regards, Göran

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