primitives and corrections/arrays?

Ragnar Hojland Espinosa ragnar at
Mon Oct 20 11:50:52 UTC 2003

On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 09:09:49AM -0700, Ned Konz wrote:
> On Thursday 16 October 2003 7:53 am, Ragnar Hojland Espinosa wrote:
> > I'm trying to pass a collection/array of strings through a primitive,
> > but its not working.. I'm having trouble at accessing the data in the
> > collection.  Example code pointers welcome.. I'm stuck :(
> I assume you've read my "Writing Plugins" document, and Andy Greenberg's 
> plugins tutorial. If not, look at:


> And that you're using the SmartSyntaxInterpreterPlugin.

Right again.

> > primitiveLDAPSearch: someAttrs
> >
> > 	| i buffer buflen attrs mystr |
> >
> > 	self var: #buffer declareC: 'char buffer[8192]'.
> > 	self var: #buflen declareC: 'int buflen'.
> > 	self var: #attrs declareC: 'char** attrs'.
> > 	self var: #i declareC: 'int i'.
> >
> > 	self primitive: 'primitiveLDAPSearch' parameters: #(ByteArray).
> Is someAttrs *really* a ByteArray? That is, did you pack the attrs into it? Or 
> is it an Array of String or something?

No.  I tried also Array, but didnt work.  Its an Array of Strings.

a _ Array new: 4.
a at: 2 put: 'hello'.
a at: 1 put: 'world'.
a at: 3 put: 'pluginia'.
a at: 4 put: '3423'.
LDAPPlugin primLDAPSearch: a.

as parameters: (#Array):

     buflen _ someAttrs size.
     self cCode: 'fprintf (stderr, "len %d\n", buflen)'.

says len is 0..  so I must be doing something really wrong.

> It is simpler to pack the strings into a ByteArray and then strdup them, but 
> your code isn't doing that (apparently). Instead, it's reading bytes out of a 
> byte array and then trying to duplicate them.

Yeah, thats what I'm doing.  Unless there is no way, I'd prefer to
"mirror" the structures in C instead of packing and unpacking.

> > 	buflen _ someAttrs size.
> 	buflen := interpreterProxy sizeOfSTArrayFromCPrimitive: someAttrs.
> > 	self cCode: 'attrs = (char**) malloc (buflen)'.
> No. I would think you'd need to:
> 	attrs = (char**) malloc(buflen * sizeof(char*));
> or
> 	attrs = (char**) calloc(buflen, sizeof(char*));

I get too distracted by squeak.. :)

> > 	i _ 0.
> >
> > 	1 to: (someAttrs size) do: [ :idx |
> > 		mystr _ someAttrs at: idx.
> > 		buflen _ interpreterProxy byteSizeOf: mystr  cPtrAsOop.
> Yeah, but it's not a string; it's a character if you have a ByteArray.

I was expecting it to be a string..

Ragnar Hojland - Project Manager
Linalco "Specialists in Linux and Free Software" Tel: +34-91-5970074 Fax: +34-91-5970083

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