[Q] Move the cursor programatically

Bert Freudenberg bert at isg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Sun Sep 7 21:50:40 UTC 2003

Martin Drautzburg wrote:
>>>What is the best way to warp the cursot to a dialog I just opened ?
>>>(other than moving the mouse of course).
>>You can pop up the dialog using openInHand then the dialog  is at the hand
> Yes, but that's not what I want. I want to place the dialog at a fixed
> position and then move the cursor there. OpenInHand requires an extra
> mouse click and feels strange for windows users.

As others have written, this is a bad idea. But if you really want to 
annoy your users, break platform-independence, and make your app 
unusable on a tablet pc, you can call XWarpPointer() via FFI (assuming 
you're running X11). Though, as its man page states: "There is seldom 
any reason for calling this function.  The pointer should normally be 
left to the user." If you need a guide: there are X11-FFI examples in 
the image, although they are currently broken.


PS: Did I mention this is a Bad Idea?

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