[Q] fullscreen application

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Wed Sep 17 18:47:47 UTC 2003

On Tuesday 16 September 2003 11:06 pm, Martin Drautzburg wrote:
> What is the best way to have a SystemWindow cover the entire squeak
> window?

Why bother with a SystemWindow if you're going to cover all of the 
Squeak window?

Do this (all at once) in a Workspace:

hidden _ World submorphs.
hidden do: [ :ea | ea visible: false ].
w _ Browser prototypicalToolWindow.
added _ OrderedCollection withAll: w paneMorphs.
pum _ World.
pum layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.
b _ SimpleButtonMorph newWithLabel: 'restore'.
b actionSelector: #value; target: [ pum removeAllMorphsIn: added.
	hidden do: [ :ea | ea visible: true ]].
added do: [ :ea | pum addMorph: ea fullFrame: ea layoutFrame ].
added addLast: b.
pum addMorph: b fullFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (1 at 1 corner: 1 at 1) 
offsets: (-40 at -20 corner: 0 at 0)).

> I have given it a layout frame and changed the world's layout
> policy to proporional. This basically works except the SystemWindow
> only resizes when the mouse is in the queak window, i.e. right
> after resizing the squeak window the SystemWindow is not resized
> until I enter the squeak window with the mouse.

You could add a step method that resizes it.

Ned Konz

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