"layered" language approach (was: Re: Constructors (was: RE: About KCP and automatic initialize))

Daniel Joyce daniel.a.joyce at worldnet.att.net
Thu Sep 18 13:11:03 UTC 2003

> For reference, Slate has been managing to simplify some language aspects
> such as is the case for its macro system:
> http://slate.tunes.org/progman/node8.html#SECTION00033600000000000000
> Where preceding a selector with ` will result in applying it to its'
> arguments parse objects (which may be evaluated early or template-
> transformed or directly-manipulated or left alone). Slate has other
> mechanisms as well for syntax extension, but they are all of this flavor:
> no special angle-bracket syntax for type declarations or primitive calls
> are needed.

	Sounds like Clean/Haskell, in which nearly all features of the language are 
implemented in the prologue as rewrite rules. At the lowest levels, there are 
only a few simple operators. Every other language feature is the result of 
rewrite rules being applied to functions....

	The monad syntax ( a unique syntactically and semantic construct ) is 
implemented in the Haskell prologue too. It's very spiffy.

	Too bad Clean is becoming so windows-centric... I'd almost learn it. But all 
the fun stuff, such as Object I/O has only been updated for Windows. 

-Daniel Joyce

The Meek shall inherit the Earth,
for the Brave are among the Stars!

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